Sunday, August 1, 2021

bullying what does it mean to bully someone

When you do things. To hurt someone did you think it’s going to bring. Out a positive results to stay away from the person. To bring his or herself esteem down. Why do people bully each other either online or offline then ask yourself. The same question what do you stand to gain when you bully this person.


Anonymous said...

Not everyone is in there right state of mind when they do this and I've come to the conclusion that people bully other people when they feel inferior and feel that the other person has what they don't have or when they see the person superior to them and they don't want to accept that fact and I call it inferiority complex

Anonymous said...

This is a childhood conflict among those who bully people because they are never thought to not feel inferior for whatever reason and they get jealous when they feel inferior and some act out of jealousy for things they wish to have but couldn't