Sunday, September 12, 2021

A short history of Eko Atlantic

 The Eko Atlantic was filed with water for several years according. To  what I heard the water Was bought by the government and Eko Atlantic as well it’s actually owned by both Eko Atlantic and our government. And when they got the land. They made sure the water was dried completely before it was sand filled and it actually cost 12billion naira it’s going to be an Estate in the next 5 or 6yrs according to what I heard 12billion naira is their actual budget. It’s going to be an Estate there’s An apartment for the staffs of Eko Atlantic and total works. When the go on break there’s a particular place where they hang out for exercise etc. so my land owners it’s another opportunity for you to secure one now before it’s to late. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The confident woman kick against body shaming women

What does it mean to be a confident woman?

In the midst of those that look down on each other it takes. A lot women should be happy women should be the, back bone of each other we stop the hate we should stop. The envy and be kind to ourselves and we should learn To. Be one another’s support system instead of body shaming each. Other let’s stop the hate stop the bullying as well. We should each other love and care. Kick against bullying and body shaming women be a confident woman.✨🥂✊🏾 

Sunday, August 8, 2021


 Let’s talk about bullying and does it also lead to cyber bullying as well 

They are lots of people out there that go through these every single day. When we bully people in the physical it will lead to cyber bullying as. Well people react differently we pass messages to people be it good or bad. It also depends on how the victim takes the message. Then it leads to cyber bullying ask ourselves why. Do they react to things like they deal with low self esteem as well. Don’t be quick to judge them or blame them. Let’s treat them with love and care. I believe the world would be in a better place.if we take our time to understand people that have being in these position. It’s time to speak up join the moving train.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

bullying what does it mean to bully someone

When you do things. To hurt someone did you think it’s going to bring. Out a positive results to stay away from the person. To bring his or herself esteem down. Why do people bully each other either online or offline then ask yourself. The same question what do you stand to gain when you bully this person.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Relationship story real life story

It’s a real life story just decided to share this on my blog so.I met this guy this time last year he messaged me on Facebook. I knew him from school days. Then he got my number along the line I didn’t he was deceiving me just to get from and also come in contact with my.Friends the first day he told me he loved me he had, a crush on me the next day we got along this was actually my first relationship that never made. Sense to me he asked after my friends the second day I gave. Him my roommates. number not knowing they will go. Behind me and snitch on me I was having serious issues with her. It got to a point where he broke with me and came back just to get more things from me and continue to lie but we didn’t have sex. I told him my dreams about pushing my blog and YouTube channel.  Ok Including my podcast as well he never supported me. He never shared my links but I always give him my support we never met each other it’s already 1yr since we didn’t see eye to eye please what type of a relationship is this. He always supports my roommate. Whenever she’s wrong I was depressed this time last I drank alcohol which I never did I smoked which have never done in my life. I saw seriously depressed I kept on asking when are going to see he said he had nothing. To do with me that i want to spoil what he had with my roommate then on whatsapp I will always see him posting pictures of girls which he be posted my picture as well for once in his life. He tell me am stalking him. Even on Facebook to whenever my roommate is at fault he will always take her, December last year I took her phone I read all their chats he was making fun of me with her that was I got depressed and I started smoking and drinking he Will always tell me he will met me on a condition which I never accepted he made a fool out of me. Part two continues